
Subject: Tome-Wanlast
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A new 256x128 world, Tome-Wan, has been created by FYI666.

user image
Victory Mode:
Advantage (75% of Occupied Sectors)

How does this work again?

I have over 75% of the occupied sectors...

edit: I found where it says "once at least 50% of the land sectors are occupied."  Does this still need to happen if all other players are eliminated?

The numbers show Eire would have only 1 sea unit left somewhere- I couldn't find it- but are they supposed to be automatically eliminated when they have no land units left anymore?
George wrote on :
edit: I found where it says "once at least 50% of the land sectors are occupied."  Does this still need to happen if all other players are eliminated?

The numbers show Eire would have only 1 sea unit left somewhere- I couldn't find it- but are they supposed to be automatically eliminated when they have no land units left anymore?
Yes, it's coded to stick to the 50% regardless. The idea is that if the world is less than half occupied, then it's still relatively early in the game and players should have an opportunity to come back.

The game isn't currently coded to eliminate a country when all units are destroyed, but that is on my todo list. (To clarify, the country would be eliminated if it had no land units, no land bases, and no capitals.)
well, my #s match the world #s for all of these: Attacks Set:14, Land Bases:9, Sea Bases:6, Air Bases:3, Land Units:129, Sea Units:27, Defense Turrets:7, Jets:0, Missiles:2, Bombs:0.

I also went all up and down the map and used the developer inspection tools and the only images I find for his color under the d_sectors div are the ones that are blank except for borders- aq00000000.gif, aq10000000.gif, aq20000000.gif, aq30000000.gif, aq40000000.gif.

So shouldn't he be eliminated now?

Oh, maybe I misunderstood what you're saying- are you saying you don't have any code at all to eliminate players?  If so, is that just for the user worlds?  I know I've been eliminated before in the other worlds... maybe that's only when all the sectors are gone too?
George wrote on :
Oh, maybe I misunderstood what you're saying- are you saying you don't have any code at all to eliminate players?  If so, is that just for the user worlds?  I know I've been eliminated before in the other worlds... maybe that's only when all the sectors are gone too?
Correct, there's no automated elimination based on having no means of expanding (no land units, no land bases, no capitals). The game does eliminate countries when all of their land sectors are gone, though.

However, I thought of a quicker way to implement the above in the meantime, until I get a chance to fully work it into the Game Cycle. Once a day, a script runs to remove countries that haven't played in a month. I'm going to adjust that script to also remove countries that have no means of expansion. It's not as ideal as having it run in the Game Cycle, but it should work pretty well in the meantime.

I'll probably make that adjustment tomorrow evening.
Tome-Wan has ended.

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